Hi! I’m Joschua

. Web developer, note-taking nerd and Jesus-follower.
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About me
As a developer, I am naturally interested in all things web, design and tech. I also like to nerd out about productivity and automation.
I love a good book. This makes me interested in how note-taking can help me to remember better what I read.
At the center of it all, I am a follower of Jesus. I strive to live in a way where my interests are informed by and flow out of faith.
Still curious? Read more about me.
Usage notes
What might be a bit unusual on this site is how links are styled:
- Internal links, linking inside this blog or to a personal note, are followed by a filled circle symbol (•): Example.
- External links, linking to anywhere else on the internet, are followed by a hollow circle symbol (◦): Example(forgive me).
My intention is to make it clear for where a link takes you, before you click it. Also, I hope that these subtler links reduce cognitive load. I wrotea bit on that.
Around the web
- Public Notes
- Email: [email protected]
- RSS: joschua.io/feed
- Twitter(somewhat inactive)
- Github